Free Dead Animal Removal - New Haven County CT

The city of Waterbury offers free dead animal removal services in the case of dead animal carcasses on public land, or dead animals in the roadways. Examples might include roadkill such as deer, or a dead raccoon in a county park. For free government dead animal removal services call:

Waterbury Animal Control - 203-574-6909

Aside from the city of Waterbury animal services or New Haven County Animal Control, free dead animal removal is sometimes offered by government agencies that go by names such as public works department, department of transportation, environmental services, division of street maintenance, sanitation department, etc. Don't call the Waterbury police department or Waterbury SPCA or humane society. Click here for Dead Pet Body Removal in Waterbury. Usually you can put dead animal carcasses in refuse containers - aka garbage cans, although sometimes that's frowned upon. I'd do it for smaller animals under 20 lbs for sure though. For larger animals maybe call the sanitation dept. or call the number listed above. The removal of large livestock animals such as a dead horse or dead cow is usually handled by private enterprises. But in all cases in Waterbury, if the body is on private property, the removal of dead animals is handled by the citizen or by a private company, such as ours listed below.


dead animal removal If you have a dead animal in your house: If you have a dead animal in your house, such as a dead rat in the wall or a dead raccoon in the attic or a dead skunk under your porch, you can hire us to remove it. We are a private company, not a free service. Call us anytime at 203-987-3569 to schedule an appointment for today!

Death is an unfortunate part of life. Animals can die for a range of reasons; it can be due to an accident, poison, diseases, etc. To keep you safe from the hazards related to the dead animal, allow us to deal with your problems. We can handle both wild and domestic animals. We will make sure that we will respect the body of your pet. We will provide it with a proper cremation. The faster that the dead body is removed from your property, the better the situation will be. Our company was founded in 2008, aiming to give the public access to efficient and top-notch dead animal removal service. Our founders are environment warriors; we are committed to using products that will not cause harm to our environment and our customers. We will protect your property and brand; we have designed a system that is apt for commercial and residential properties. There are various regulations and laws that direct the removal and disposal of the carcass. Our people are trained and licensed to remove these hazardous materials. Never put your family's life and health at risk, be sure that you have the support of our professionals that can safely and quickly restore the safety and comfort of your place.

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Waterbury Dead Animal Removal